Ten Thousand Villages credit https://www.flickr.com/photos/binnyva/

Over the past couple of years, our family’s perspective on fair trade has completely shifted from being something ‘nice to do’ to being something ‘important to remember’. I’m so grateful to take my “What I Want My Daughter to Know” series over to the Ten Thousand Villages blog today. Join me there as I talk about playing well with others?

“Really, when we’re strong-arming you to share and take turns, we hope we’re getting you to practice being kind and fair to your friends instinctually, helping you express compassion and do the right thing, rather than demanding your own way.

As an only child, life is more than fair to you. We dote on you and you have access to most everything you could ever need, and many of the things you could ever want. With the privilege of growing up in middle-class Canada, you’ve got options and advocates and opportunity. It’s a good thing, and certainly nothing to be ashamed of or despise. You are receiving good things, and we want you to grow and thrive and live fully.

I want you to know, daughter of mine, that children in our own communities and in nations around the world also deserve to be treated fairly, and the pursuit of living justly and choosing mercy is the right response to your privilege. I want you to know that in our day-to-day lives, we have multiple chances to make choices to give back, be fair, and ensure that other children and families around the world have the opportunities they deserve – basic things like going to school and eating breakfast, and being paid fairly for a job well done. Things you’ll likely never have to think twice about.”

Jump on over to read more: http://www.tenthousandvillages.ca/blog/2014/11/on-playing-well-with-others/
