EP Member Spotlight ~ Charlene Quiring: The Look of a Leader

It has taken me a long time to call myself a Leader. I have spent years taking ideas, dreams and passions that God has clearly given me, and tried to pass them on to others who I believed much more capable and equipped.

I came to realize that is a tactic of the enemy. It leaves my lane unoccupied. God has created each of us unique, and created precise works in advance for each of us to do – specific to us. He has spoken promises to us and visions in each individual heart that no one else can fulfill, and then He equipped us with all we need. (2 Peter 1:3) I let insecurities, fear of not being liked or being misunderstood, fear of failure, lack of trust in what I thought God was speaking to me hold me back for far too long.

What changed me? I believe the growing passion for hurting and lost people, and especially witnessing those in the next generation succumb to fears, anxieties, depression, addictions and in some cases suicide, fuelled my passion to set them free in Jesus name. Over time, little by little a wave of the victories God was conquering in my own heart swelled to mission and purpose that I could not deny. Time is also short in this earthly life. I refuse to sit back, wondering, waiting on someone else to pick up the torch with my name on it. There is too much at stake.

My vision of what a leader looked like and the gifts they needed to possess was viewed from my human position and not a God perspective. God said step forward in obedience and follow me.

“God deliberately chooses imperfect vessels — those who have been wounded, those with physical or emotional limitations. Then he prepares them to serve and sends them out with their weakness still in evidence, so that his strength can be made perfect in that weakness.”

~ Christine Caine (Undaunted)

God asked me to use what I had in my hand; my love for gathering, hosting, inclusiveness, encouragement and create an environment where women of all ages could come, a platform to hear strong biblical teaching, form life-supporting relationships; worship and praise God together. A place where all were accepted, their gifts experienced and tested, testimony proclaimed and a place where eternal heart-change happened.

Why am I so passionate to gather women and girls together? It’s honestly because I have seen and experienced Jesus. His healing restorative power in my own life, His ability to turn anxious thoughts into PEACE, sadness into JOY, despair into HOPE and sickness to HEALING. He is a friend, a comforter and has ALL the answers. I want to serve him because He continually shows me His love and mercy. Even when I forget or take my eyes of Him, he is there forgiving me and reminding me of who He is.

I am motivated to share this with other girls and have them experience Him. and it is God’s plan that we do this in community and with all generations.

2 Corinthians 1:9

Because I am so keenly aware of my own inadequacies, I am also very aware of God’s provision. My daily quiet time with God is so necessary and soul quenching. The team of gifted girls and women He sent along side me to carry out this vision makes me overwhelmed with humble gratitude. Hearing many stories of connection, healing and renewal through Sisterhood ministry propels me to keep on!

I have learned when I accept my weakness, I teach my heart to esteem and celebrate the grace that can make me stronger, and lean into the plans and purposes God has prepared for me to do.

Galatians 1:10

EP Member Spotlight - Charlene Quiring

Charlene Quiring is the founder and now co-leader of the Sisterhood YXE movement in Saskatoon. She is especially passionate about engaging, encouraging and mobilizing the next generation of young women.

Char was one of the visionaries and initial members of WJOF and also served with Christian Counselling Services Saskatoon. She counts it a humbling privilege to serve and lead in any area where God has given her opportunity. She has three grown children, all married, so many wonderful family changes and growth. She has also been involved in the family trucking business in various roles for many years.

Her life highlights almost always involve family time; gathering together for meals, laughter and spending time traveling together. She enjoys running, biking, hiking, reading, coffee time with friends and dreaming about new ways to connect women to each other and ultimately to the heart of their loving Father.

Read the rest of Char’s bio.

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