EP Member Spotlight ~ Joy Byers: Our Great and Awesome God

Every year, January comes around and I find myself looking back at the past year, thankful for what God has done in my life. Each year, I begin with good intentions, sitting with God in the Secret Place and promising Him that it will be better this year. That this year, the journey with […]

On Blue Monday

It’s Blue Monday. The “experts” say that a day like today is when all things crash together – bills coming in, weather being gray, and spring still being two months out. And to be honest, I’ve got a general annual January pattern: come off the Christmas/New Year’s high – and then wonder what I’m […]

On Being Lovely

A number of years ago, I was invited to speak at a small women’s retreat near my hometown. My sessions were titled “Confessions of an Ugly Duckling,” and oh friend, was it a brave time for me.

It came on the heels of finding my worst. School. Photo. Ever. I had a few  a lot […]

On Making Space

I’ve been on a three year process of clearing clutter. I think it started after Dad died. After a season of survival, I needed some space – and in this stage of life, when kid clutter and grown-up clutter collide, I’m starting to understand that the maintenance of clutter is exhausting.

I might have a genetic predisposition […]