When You Need to Remember How Far You’ve Come

By nature, I’m a reflective person. My beloved, not as much.
He’s the forward-thinking dreamer in our family. We balance each other.

This past weekend, as we worked away on a renovation project together, he reminded me of the old days.

Careful not to call them the ‘good old days’ because today is good too – […]

When You Think You’re too Small

When I was considering to blog, I had this difficulty: I wondered if I had anything to say, or whether I had anything to add to the conversation.

There are so many incredible writers publishing books and blogs, and my voice is so very small in the grand scheme of things.

To help me decide what […]

Who inspires you?

Holley asked us this week to consider who inspires us. When I thought of it, no single person came to mind – but scrolling through mymind’s Rolodex (does anyone remember what that is?) and my Facebook ‘friends’ list, there is no end of inspiration.

Who inspires me?

Those who believe that pressing through, choosing courage, holding […]

When You Need to Remember Joy

Sometimes, we just need to stand back from circumstances that threaten to overwhelm, and count gifts. Last week, as we celebrated bringing Sweet Girl home, our oven literally blew.
A giant pop, and all the power went out.
We had received other jarring news earlier in the day, and quite frankly, it was pretty much […]