Day 2 – Be Thankful

Dear Girl – you’re two now, and awfully proud to hold up two pudgy fingers when we ask you how old you are. And although you can’t say “birthday” you certainly like saying “happy”. That’s right you know, it’s more about celebrating a happy day than about marking another year.

Ever since you came home, […]

Day 1: God Gave Us You

Sweet One, there is absolutely no shred of doubt in my mind and heart that God gave us you. I know that your life is a good and perfect gift to us – a shockingly beautiful gift, this absolutely undeserved grace that your Daddy & I get to unwrap every single day.

We prayed […]

Twice Adopted

“My friend Melinda’s story gives me hope and makes my eyes water happy tears. Rarely do I hear about children adopted internationally meeting their birth parents, but Melinda did meet her birth mom, Dory, and has been so beautifully honouring of her. Even more remarkably, when disaster hit in the Phillippines recently, Melinda and […]

On Being a Terrible Bowler (& a Giveaway)

I’ve never been an athlete. Can’t even pretend to be. My talent level with any activity requiring strong hand-eye coordination, a ball, a net, a racket, a bat, a golf club or a hockey puck (or even skates, for that matter) is fairly low. And combining running or catching with a ball and avoiding […]