On the Surprise Trick to Caring for Others

Sitting here with chipped-up nails and hair overdue for a cut, I may seem like a candidate for a little good self-care, but I promise, I’m not too bad at it, all things considered. Two years ago, I joined a bunch of other adoptive and foster parents for a series attachment classes. It was […]

On Clearing the Clutter

My house testifies: I come from a long line of clutter-keepers. We’re a clean people group, but we’re cluttered. I’m convinced it’s a genetic predisposition. One of my grandmothers had Olympic-level clutter (seriously), and mine is of a much junior rank, but I’ve worked hard on catching up and collecting stuff over the course […]

Summer of Awesomeness 2015 Book Giveaway!

So, let’s continue a tradition, you and I. Last summer, I declared the “Summer of Awesomeness” because we had a fairly miserable, difficult winter. Because I’m part bookworm, part of what makes a summer awesome is having space, time and a quiet sunny spot to read, read, read (and gummy bears).

I’ve been reading some […]

On Learning to Disappoint Others

Becoming a mother has freed me in many ways, and also forced me to set boundaries where in the past I had none. It’s a weird contradiction, but I’m compelled to protect in ways I hadn’t in the past. It’s easier to forget to protect ourselves than a precious tiny life we’re suddenly made […]