Lessons from a Cactus Garden

In my office, I have a little, unremarkable, cactus garden. Ten years ago, I received a little package of expired cactus seeds, a remnant from a long-gone Veggie Tales movie promotion. Those are the kinds of bonuses I get in my line of work. Total glamour. Because I like a challenge, I found a […]

Word of the Year: JOY

Last weekend, I was considering my word of the year for 2018, and almost immediately, I knew it. I just know when I know, and I knew, and I was EXCITED. I’m learning that these words are the kindness of God, speaking promise and hope to my heart in the busiest time of the […]

On Being Prepared

Today, I had to handle a task I felt completely unprepared for. Like, completely, totally unprepared. And so, because it’s just who I am and what I was called to do, I started gathering together resources and stomped right into the midst of the fray. I’m not at all sure how this is going […]

On Being Fiercehearted Wonder-Women

My friend Holley’s Fiercehearted book releases this week, and it is one worth reading & re-reading. This weekend she joined me and a group of my Ellen’s Picks friends, and shared this clip with us, as an example of our fiercehearted leadership, and my eyes leaked through the whole thing.

Such a picture of leadership. […]